Training the Afghan Border Police

Since we are on the topic of the Afghans

Some jumping jacks:


Looks like they are having a good time.

Push ups:


The push ups video is especially priceless… “That was the worm man…. he was doing the worm” LOL

Hat Tip: moi


5 responses to “Training the Afghan Border Police”

  1. You’re missing a letter in your headline…

    There’s no “I” in “TEAM,” but there’s two of them in “TRAINING.” Lol

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      LOL thanks josh

  2. One, two, three., two, three,, two, three..oh forget it

    To be fair, looks like some of these folks are well into their late 20’s and 30’s, push ups were daunting for me in basic training at 18 sometimes…

  3. Patricia O. Avatar
    Patricia O.

    … and 20 mosquitos were accidentally hurt during the making of the 1st video. This blog is so fun, glad I found it. Great job, Mike!!!

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      haha. Thanks Patricia, glad you like the blog! Thanks for following it and commenting.