Ballet and Guns

You guys should get your daughters into this ballet class ASAP.  I hear they use Bushmaster ACRs now, and they get to take them home. :P

Any idea what the rifles used in this pictures are?


15 responses to “Ballet and Guns”

  1. They look like some sort of childrens’ Davy Crockett cap gun to me.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Yea, you’re probably right. I’m not too familiar with old style rifles though, so I thought there was a chance it was real.

  2. I’m more curious to find out why the instructor(?) is wearing that crazy mask.

  3. They are preping for the nutcracker. They are going to be toy soldiers. The mask is the nutcracker……

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Really? I thought it was a “V for Vendetta” mask when I first saw it.. but I guess that would make sense with the guns now that you say it’s the nutcracker

    2. LMAO. I didn’t even pay attention to the background. Even if I’d noticed that I don’t think I ever would have made the connection!

  4. What I find interesting is the different ways the girls are holding the guns. The girl closest to the photographer does not know where the trigger is. Some of the other girls wrists are quite low on the stock. Then the girl at the far end is thinking “what the hell am i doing with this thing” my mom would be horrified if she knew I touched a gun!”

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Yea i noticed that too. Not really sure what the deal with that is.. hopefully they just got them handed to them and never got any proper instruction yet.

  5. When I first saw the picture, I thought the first girl was giving me the finger.

  6. Antibubba Avatar

    The second girl seems to be practicing safe trigger control.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      The first girl is being “extra” safe :P

  7. I’ve seen the original of that image elsewhere on the interwebs, that “mask” is photo-shopped. The instructor is none other than Leonard Nimoy (pointy ears and all). The original still makes for a serious WTF? pic.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      LOL it would be just as funny with leonard nimoy.. wtf is right!

  8. This looks to be an older photo, and the ‘guns’ in question are Davy Crockett toys. I had one back in the 60’s, and they were sold with 10? 12? cork balls. You loaded it with the ramrod in the normal manner and put an adhesive cap in the usual place. There was a tiny hole there, and enough of the gas entered the barrel to shoot the ball about 15-20 feet.

  9. They should’ve used FN FALs. Heavier and teaches balance better. :D