Tag: nra

  • Some States Have The 2nd Amendment Some Don’t

    Big Wayne: 0:49 – Alcatraz / Golden gate…. so San Francisco CALIFORNIA.  Hahah what a joke.  There are only landmarks from a handful of other states they could have chosen that would have been just as bad or worse to showcase that “American’s have the 2nd Amendment”. Good message, which I agree with.  I have…

  • Guns Offend Some People – Who Cares

    NRA people sitting around the table agreeing with each other again: I don’t dislike these “Defending our America” videos, that said they are kind of useless because they are preaching to the choir and just keep rehashing the same old thing.  Content for the sake of content basically. What’s with that blonde girl wearing a beret…

  • Steps Needed To Have A Gun Control Utopia

    Dana Loesch from The Blaze works for the NRA now also: haha she is the queen of dramatic facial expressions. 0:50 – Ugh I hate when the NRA goes full conspiracy theory retard.  The ATF just can’t possibly employ enough people to regularly inspect every gun owners home.  I’m not saying that a law couldn’t be shoe-horned…

  • NRA Tries Their Hand At Pumpkin Carving

    The NRA saw the cool kids were doing it, so they knew they had to: Meh… Kirsten’s video was better, even though I think that pumpkin carving with a gun is a played out video theme in general. Just to make this post less boring, here is a video of a kid’s epic Halloween costume.…

  • Smart Gun Anti-Gun Comic

    This is what anti-gun humor looks like currently: Do anti-gun people LOL, or ROFL when they see this type of comic?  Or do they just solemnly nod their heads?  I picture the latter. Heh of course the guy would have no neck and be wearing a plaid shirt and an NRA hat too.  Well played.…

  • Eddie Eagle’n Like There’s Too Much Lean In My Cup

    Holy NRA, this is INTENSE: I was like a minute into this feeling like I was tripping out.  Looking for insane CGI camera work, talking birds, racially diverse birds, and jingles?  This video has it all. 2:18 – Garry the goose stays lit AF playing video games until they harass him again. 2:39 – Sweet…