Tag: nerf

  • Super Mario Blaster

    Modified NERF gun: I have really been into making custom Nerf guns lately, so I decided to try to make one for good ol’ Mario. Here is what I imagine it would look like. The ammo of choice is a Bullet Bill, and of course there is a working flashlight for all those dark pipes…

  • NERF – The Rise Of Trafficking Toy Guns To Kids

    How NERF became the world’s best purveyor of big guns for kids: It may seem silly to take this stuff seriously as feats of engineering, but in their own way, these toys are as well designed as a Dyson vacuum. When you pick up a blaster, when you feel the heft, when you put the…

  • NERF Bow Tooth Extraction

    Hope the tooth fairy leaves an extra silver dollar under this future operators pillow: I’m glad the tooth was optimally loose.  That would have hurt so much if the NERF arrow spooled out to the end of the string and just stopped dead. Any of you guys do anything creative like this? I just got…

  • NERF Shootout

    You have to make the back story up for this one in your head: I like that it has a dark twist to it… most fake gun battles are sickeningly playful. NERF Mortars huh?  *madly scribbles it on to do list* Before making a video with toy guns, people should learn a thing or two…

  • LEGO Remotely Operated NERF Gun

    Pretty neat. I like seeing toys upgraded/automated. It’s pretty funny to see how advanced both LEGO and NERF are now compared to when I was playing with them in the 80s/90s

  • NERF Push Button Deployable Dart Blaster

    Behold the NERF N-Strike Deploy CS-6 Blaster: Only $20 on Amazon – HERE It’s begging for the realistic paint treatment like these badboys.