Tag: hunting

  • Operating In Quail Operations

    This is money: Catch and release Quail hunting is a sport I would do. I have to brush up on my hand eye operational skills though to pull of catches like that.’ My first thought was “FAKE!”, mainly because the internet has put permanent skepticism in me.  Anyone?  Is it shopped?  Can you tell by the pixels?…

  • Rabbit Hunting With Gordon Ramsay – Ban Assault Ferrets

    Quieter than a rifle, but more of a pain in the ass: There is no reason an individual could possibly need a high capacity assault ferret. Thoughts? Hat tip: Ali

  • HEAAAAAAAAAAAD SHOT – Deer Lawd This Is Graphic

    Ermahgerd! Do not hit play on this if kids are around: I’ll be honest, I was ready for some gore when I hit play but I wasn’t expecting to laugh.  Apparently I have the maturity of a 6 year old though because when those eyes bulged out in slow motion and the “big league chew” flew…

  • A Teenager’s Traumatizing First Deer Hunt

    New York Times takes a look: Wow great… poor kid basically gets called a pussy by his dad for not taking the shots.  I don’t see the point of pressuring people of any age to get into hunting (or shooting in general).  If you want to, great… if you don’t, that should be alright too.…

  • Eddie Bauer Sport Shop

    Eddie Bauer goes back to their roots (sort of): Head over to the Eddie Bauer Sport Shop site and check out the lineup. I like how they kept the old timey classic look to the items.  I put “sort of” in the heading when referring to them going back to their roots though because all…

  • Dragonfly Bow Hunting

    I didn’t know this sport existed before I saw this video: Random person hiking through the woods:  “Whatcha shooting at?” Hunter: “Dragonflies” Random person: 0.O “uhhhhhhh…” That’s pretty much how it would go.  People just don’t get the thrill of the hunt.  Just make sure you don’t take more than your dragonfly license allows… I’ve seen guys…