Tag: gun violence
Wear Orange And Save The USA From Gun Violence Cartoon
Everytown For Gun Safety made a toon to pull on your heart strings: Everytown seems like it would be an ally to gun rights, until you take a look at the issues on their site. It’s non stop gun-blaming.. blame guns for hate crimes, blame ghost guns which are.. and I quote “the fastest-growing gun…
Oh Wow Gabby Giffords Started A New Thing Against Gun Violence
Beep boop beep I’m Gabby Giffords: 1:04 – “Last year alone, 36,000 Americans, died from gun violence” -Mark Kelly. W-R-O-N-G. Do we really have to go over this shit every time? It’s truly exhausting when they try and act like that figure is ALL murders, and not mainly suicides (normally over half are suicides), accidental/negligent…
Every Three Hours A Kid Apparently Dies From Gun Violence
From the “States united to prevent gun violence”: 8 kids dying per day (according to the video) means there are 2920 kids per year which die of “gun violence”. I attempted to fact check this and came up with a June 2017 article in a pediatrics journal. Academic journals are normally peer reviewed / fact…
Anti-Gun Group Trolls Those Wanting A Gun Filled Fantasy Movie
But they gave them reality not fantasy: Hmmmm got em? This is one of the better anti-gun marketing ideas I’ve ever seen, because at least there was some effort put in. I still don’t get how seemingly these people can separate criminals having guns and doing bad stuff with them, from people wanting them to…
Apparently All Gun Violence is Preventable If You Know the Signs
A TED talk by the managing director of “Sandy Hook Promise”, Nicole Hockley: 6:05 – “Lets just take a step back for a moment. What is gun violence? And how should we define it? It is gun related death and suicide, unintentional, and law enforcement related shootings and all other non fatal acts of violence…
Debunking The State Of Gun Violence In The USA Vox Video
Steven Crowder breaks it down: If you missed the original video make sure to check it out. A lot of you guys called bullshit on various parts of the video in the comments, which was awesome. Thoughts?