Tag: drink
Sonny P – Ask For It By Name At Your Local Shooting Range
Gregory Markle whipped up this epic photoshop: Way better than that generic transfusion fluid. LOL what an awesome tag line too: When you’re shot and bleeding free, always reach for Sonny P! Every time I see anything Sunny D related it reminds me of this Dave Chappelle stand-up on grape drink / Sunny Delight. Thoughts?
Friends Don’t Let Friends Drink And Dremel
Seriously guys… talk your buddy out of it if he hasn’t practiced on something less valuable. I see so many failed dremel tool modifications on guns involving grip stippling, grip modification, backstraps etc… it needs to be stopped.
NYT on The Performance-Enhanced Military
During my deployments in Iraq there were often rumors that certain soldiers were taking steroids because of their sudden increase in physical size. When the unit deployed these soldiers looked no different from the average soldier, but upon completion of the deployment they looked Rambo-esque. Some soldiers felt that others were getting away with steroid…
Gatorade And The Taliban – Talibade
In my previous post about the U.S. abandoning their position in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan, frequent commenter Aleksandr Mravinsky pointed out that the video showed one of the Taliban bozos at 3min 10sec with a Gatorade (pictured above). So naturally I fired up photoshop…