Tag: defense distributed

  • Defense Distributed Is Richer Than You

    They have another few printers that print money: Full writeup and more pics over at DefDist. My suspicions were correct when I criticized the function test of this printed AR-15 lower: The new AR lower was SLA and FDM printed. The FDM printer was a used Dimension SST, and the material was p400 ABS. A quick look at…

  • Defense Distributed AR-15 Lower

    These guys market this like they are doing the Lord’s work: Watching that guy pull the trigger was painful.  Slappy Mc2ndKnuckleSlapperson. Maybe I’ll eat my words when someone says they printed that out on a $200 RepRap, but my guess is they have some sort of fancy printer similar to the $20,000 one Stratasys yanked their…

  • Test Firing A 3D Printed AR-15 Magazine

    Defense Distributed does it: There are so many shitty 3D printers out there, I think a lot of people are going to be very disappointed when they try to print their own version of this magazine. Definitely a step in the right direction.  I’m very surprised how uninformed the majority of people are about 3D printing…

  • Just Wait Until People Realize You Can 3D Print Firearms With Metal

    There is so much gasping going around that you can “OMG 3D print a gun”.  Then people go and do shit like this: A few rounds and it breaks? *yawn* color me un-surprised.  You can check out the full fail breakdown over at Defense Distributed. I don’t consider myself an expert on the topic of…