Tag: crime

  • The Knife Angel Of London

    A response to their knife problem in London: 1:30 – “If they can’t buy them they’re going to make them no matter what anyway.” Yea no kidding.  Taking a flat piece of something hard, and rubbing against something that’s abrasive and harder doesn’t exactly take a genius, nor does it require any tools unless they…

  • More On Criminals Being Eager To Obey Gun Laws

    Coalition To Stop Gun Violence grasping at trying to make you feel guilty / responsible for mass shootings and other gun violence: You didn’t buy the gun. You didn’t pull the trigger. But if you’ve voted for politicians that refuse to support common sense gun laws, you’ve helped to facilitate mass shootings in America. OMG!…

  • More On Gun Laws Stopping Criminals

    *Yawn* The Brady campaign should really reconsider their rhetoric: Yea we all know money can buy or persuade people.  Cool story bro.  Tell me more about how if certain politicians passed certain laws the criminals would take those laws seriously. like I said… yawn. Thoughts?

  • CHIraq – Chicago Is A Violent Place

    Violent crime in Chicago is out of control. Vice takes a look: 3:40 – “We using handguns in Chicago while they trying to ban assault rifles.  We don’t use assault rifles in Chicago. We get up on you baby.”  hahah real talk. The gang mentality is insane.  I couldn’t imagine living my life always worried…

  • FBI Says Rifles Are Safer Than Clubs And Hammers

    Assault hammers and standard capacity clubs kill more people per year than rifles. I know I talked about this in the past, but Brietbart brought it up again. You can check out the FBI crime stats – HERE Sure the “Other guns or type not stated” numbers might add to the rifles column… but if it wasn’t a…

  • Choose Your Own Crime Stats

    This guy rocks a v-neck so deep it’s off screen… don’t let that get in the way of what he’s got to say though: I wonder if “Violent crime” is defined hugely different across countries? So the violent crime rate dropped 50% in the U.S. in the past 20 years?  Yea an assault weapons ban is definitely…