Tag: corridor digital
There’s An Alien On Your Head
I’ve always liked Corridor Digital. Their vids are usually entertaining and the VFX are top notch. Seeing as they hang out, and maybe still even share a workspace with freddiew, i’m sure they will get really famous and lame soon enough. Thoughts?
Battlefield Live Action Shenanigans
From Freddiew and Corridor Digital: I really need to stop posting videos about games I know nothing about. I can appreciate both these videos for the cool videography, but besides that they both seem incredibly useless to me. I think Freddiew realized that no matter what he does, it will get 1 Million views…
The Mini Boss And My Santee Alley Flashback
A new one from Corridor Digital: My Unarmed In Downtown L.A. Rant: The start of the video might be (probably is) filmed in and around Santee Alley in L.A.. When I was there a few years ago we heard it was neat so we went and checked it out. I HATE places like that… knockoffs,…
Military Defensive Defibrillation
Apparently this homage to the video game Battlefield: I don’t game… killer vid though. Corridor Digital is arguably the best youtube VFX group currently out there. Hat tip: Bryan