Tag: computer
Microsoft Kinect Becomes Self-Aware
I for one welcome our new computer overlords. Hat tip: Raeshawn
Handgun Mount From Old Computer Hard Drive Magnet
I love when people re-purpose items rather than just throwing them in the garbage. Tom Schaefer did exactly that with an old computer hard drive, by removing the magnet and screwing it into the wall for quick access to his handgun: Tom’s blog – HERE If I was planning on removing the gun on a…
Outdated Weapons For Women At The Office
Found in the book on Amazon – 101 Weapons For Women Not that surprising considering the book was published in 1992. I’m sure there a lot of other good advice in that book that hasn’t been rendered obsolete. As a 2010 office tip for women regarding self defense and removable storage media, i’d have to…
Cat Plays Duck Hunt – Understandably Irritated By Laughing Dog
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0SnrLksc2w[/youtube] Someone needs to port this over to a touchscreen device like the iPad and let this cat at it. That would be pretty entertaining. Thankfully this particular cat is de-clawed, paw prints on the screen have got to be annoying though.
Shooting & Blowing up a Computer Server in Slow Motion
[youtube width=”560″ height=”340″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzRF-5IWrm0[/youtube] You just can’t beat slow motion video of shooting and blowing stuff up. Hat Tip: Steve @ TheFirearmBlog