Tag: AR15
KitchenAid mixer with matching AR-15
“Yes, I was told that the gun had to match the mixer.” valheru21 off AR15.com built the above AR-15 for his wife. Apparently the color is “lavender” not purple. :D If that’s what it takes for some girls to enjoy shooting, it’s a small price to pay! Source – HERE
Laser pointer taped to barrel
If life gives you no money for a rail mounted laser: Improvise!
Almost got your ASS shot
Is this an actual donkey? Or a donkey edition cornershot? *shrug* They made a cat one so who knows :D One can never be too careful…
ABC says Grenade Launcher – FOX says 37mm Cobray Grenade (Flare) Launcher
In my previous post ABC News – How to get a grenade launcher we talked about how the media always gets their facts wrong, and time and time again manages to blow everything way out of proportion. A new development from a frequent commenter Josh: Regardless of all that, one of the stories I ran…
Military Themed Rihanna Video
A military themed Rihanna video where she is in skimpy clothing, shooting guns, playing in the mud, standing on tanks etc… Seriously what’s not to like? [youtube width=”560″ height=”340″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcwd_Nz6Zog[/youtube] For those that like rap I recommend her album. There are a ton of good songs on it. For $8 with free shipping you can’t go…