Tag: AR15

  • Gabrielle Giffords Leaked AR-15 Hypocrisy Pose From The Past

    Leaked by an anonymous law enforcement source: “We were told she wanted to toughen her image. She asked to come out and she wanted to shoot a rifle. She had one of our guys out there to show her how to shoot an AR-15.” Full story over at Brietbart. Thanks LE-Anon!  If she wasn’t operating (no pun…

  • Scumbag Hypocrite Gabrielle Giffords’ Husband

    Buys AR-15, gets busted by an anonymous tip, so he says he planned on turning it over to the police: Testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee Jan. 30, Kelly had urged senators to restrict sales firearms based on their lethality–a common refrain with other witnesses that day, who argued that semi-automatic weapons, which chamber subsequent rounds as…

  • Thoughts On The Vilifying Of The AR-15

    FACT: The AR-15 was initially designed to fire bubbles and butterflies: People are going to believe whatever the mainstream media tells them, unless they care enough to do the leg work to educate themselves.  I agree with what MrColionNoir said though that all guns are definitely dangerous, that’s the point. <— Ban t-shirts that mock…

  • AR-15 Facts – Myths Dispelled By CT News Station

    Connecticut news station talks to the CEO of Colt: Wow, actual facts and unbiased reporting.  Shocking.  This is the type of thing that needs to be put in people’s faces on a national news level. Full story over at NEWS8 Thoughts? Hat tip: John

  • Defense Distributed AR-15 Lower

    These guys market this like they are doing the Lord’s work: Watching that guy pull the trigger was painful.  Slappy Mc2ndKnuckleSlapperson. Maybe I’ll eat my words when someone says they printed that out on a $200 RepRap, but my guess is they have some sort of fancy printer similar to the $20,000 one Stratasys yanked their…

  • Deplorable Extremely Retarded Rifle Retention Platform (DERRRP)

    Oh wait… it’s actually called SARRP (Special Application Rifle Retention Platform)… my bad: I’m sure airsoft operators alone will make this guy rich beyond his wildest dreams.  I just don’t see sales to professionals who actually carry AR-15s around for work happening. I don’t care what make/model of operator AF SBR you own… those things are…