Tag: AK47

  • Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violins

    Mission Statement We are devoted to creating an America free from gun violins, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in our communities. The Brady Center works to reform the violin industry by enacting and enforcing sensible regulations to reduce gun violins, including regulations governing the violin industry. In addition,…

  • Leonard Embody AK-47 Pistol Incident in TN – Court Complaint Papers

    Looks like he is suing for “Damages”: As a direct and proximate result of Ward’s unconstutitonal actions, Embody was subjected to arrest in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights and subjected to mental anguish, humiliation and embarrassment, because, the events described in this Complaint were published widely in the Nashville area by the local news…

  • Tennessee AK-47 Pistol Open Carry Incident – Another Viewpoint

    You have already heard my point of view on the incident HERE and HERE. Josh from Iowa, who frequently comments on this Blog, has this to say: In response to the news about the lawsuit filed by the owner of the AK-47 pistol, we may have to agree to disagree. I think this guy got…

  • Man With AK-47-Style Pistol In Park Sues Ranger

    Some of you might remember my post from back in December on Open Carry Incidents.  I was mainly critical about how a situation in Tennessee’s Radnor Lake State Park was handled, where a man (Leonard Embody) was open carrying a Draco AK-47 pistol.  He was detained because the park ranger thought it was a modified…

  • Homemade 9mm AK-47 Pistol

    I love seeing project guns like this, it really shows what people are capable of. It might be perfectly safe, but I would definitely fire it from a vise just in case. Figured it’d be a fun project, I made some changes, as I can use a mill, so the whole segmented bolt thing was…

  • Homemade Paper Guns

    These are absolutely incredible! Paper M1911 with paper suppressor: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CBHuk0yck[/youtube] Paper Remington 870 cutaway: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otAFUy32AD0[/youtube] Paper AK-47 Pistol: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnHEZzHvlw4[/youtube] More on Tacome1942’s YouTube Page – HERE I don’t know if these are anywhere the same quality as his, but they might be easy for a kid to make: Amazon.com Widgets