Tag: AK47
Britney Spears – I’m A Slav 4U
heh: View this post on Instagram A post shared by ENDO (@everydaynodaysoff) on Sep 1, 2020 at 5:51pm PDT My caption:
*Pop-up Video info nugget* This music video was so sweaty, Britney had to use dummy rounds during the live fire scenes. The surplus ammo on set was slowing down filming due to crippling rust…
The Worst AK
Brandon’s reaction to the original Forgotten Weapons video. He goes through the entire video so you can probably skip watching that original linked video: Ruined Brandon’s day… you hate to see it. Not being an AK guy to the level that Brandon is… I still cringed over and over and over. Thoughts?
The AK-47 Is Terrible For SHTF Survival
James gives 7 reasons why
: hahah James really gets into it, pure gold. Sadly I never got to see the AK Guy video about why the AR-15 sucks, before YOUTUBE REMOVED IT FOR BULLYING
. Dudes be like “ShUddAh uZEd FuLL ThUrdy” ahaha. I hope Brandon the AK bully gets his video sorted out…
Armless Man Breaks Down An AK-47 With His Feet
Train like you… feet: Amazing! He even puts a few round into the magazine. I’m not sure why the video is
80p quality, but here we are. Thoughts? Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I’m super busy with programming projects (for sites I haven’t released yet), and the usual ENDO Apparel grind. I noticed…
Garand Thumb and Jim Fuller Talk AKs
Content the world needed: Holy the shooting footage at the starting is really nicely done too. Their talk starts at 2:25 if you want to skip past the “Little Mother Limited” cringe ad… literally the worst name for a company I’ve ever heard. Thoughts?
This MAD LAD Test Fires An AK Without Rivets
Brandon is crazy: I didn’t crunch the numbers regarding the actual physics of this test fire, but I always cringe when guys do unsafe stuff in videos. Royal Nonesuch at Mattv2099 were some of the OGs in that game. Neither got hurt though, so maybe I’m just too scared. I’m looking forward to seeing those…