Tag: AK47

  • AK-47 Setup Of Polenar Tactical

    Nicely done video.  Those with AK’s might be interested in what they run.  I prefer AK’s old school original with wood, and my AR-15s tacticool but that’s just me. Thoughts?

  • AK-47 Popcorn

    Mattv2099 postulates once you Draco pop, you can’t stop: SPOILER ALERT: NOTHING HAPPENS. Did he get a different mic?  The gun shots sound great. Ahhhh damn, Matt and that loose-ass foil all the time.  He needs to start reinforcing it with foil tape or something too so it doesn’t come apart. After watching it where nothing happened,…

  • Alternate Uses Of An AK-47 Magazine

    Polenar Tactical looks into it: 1:20 – Holy, she really goes to town on that dummy with the gas mask. 1:40 – haha vegetable slicer… yea that’s a stretch. 1:56 – Bottle opener FTW! Interesting that this channel is based in Slovenia.  I’m not too worldly so maybe that isn’t interesting to anyone but me. We…

  • The Making Of An AK-47 Magazine

    *Gasp* it’s… it’s beautiful: Yea I love manufacturing videos!  They could definitely automate a good portion of the start of all that and reduce waste, workplace accidents, and even the number of employees.  Sadly the world is going towards heartless / characterless polymer magazines.  I sure see why though, wow these steel ones are a…

  • A Look At The AK-47 And Its Variants – Part 2

    Dugan Ashley brings that heat in this video which is a sequel to PART 1: A lot of good info mixed in with humor from Carnik Con.  Holy I had no idea how many AK variants existed… I’m such an AK newb. HOLY SHIT… at 4:00 there is an epic music video. You can view…

  • Silly Sludge AK-47 Trollture Test

    Mattv2099 with more trollfessional sciencing: OOoooh Yea Dr. Wacko’s PhD is in trolling, so Matt and him get along well.  I feel sorry for Matt’s assistants who have to clean those guns. Matt… I just thought of an idea:  SILLY PUTTY trollture tests!  Glock and AK versions… GO! Thoughts?