Tag: airsoft
More Taiwanese Seek Gun Training In Preparation For Potential War
Train like you fight: Interesting.. he says in the video that 3 to 4x more people have wanted to train since the Ukraine war started. They are definitely a bit concerned about an attack by Beijing. The airsoft guns are so fancy nowadays, the skills are definitely transferrable if they ever need them. I wonder…
Why Gun Guys Should Be Using Airsoft For Training
Administrative Results take a look: The guy, his production value and editing are really good. Airsoft has definitely come a long way in the past 10 – 15 years. Nice to see a lot of different groups of people having fun with it. Thoughts?
On Point Virtual Airsoft Shooting Arcade Game
This looks pretty cool: I haven’t been to an actual arcade in years. I’d definitely visit one to check this game out. Maybe Dave & Busters will get it? I hate to think how much it costs to play a game in 2020… I remember being annoyed when I single play went from $0.25 to…
Asian Dudes In The Car Airsoft Shenanigans
What the
: The parents of these guys saw this, and were very disappointed and said it brought great dishonor to the family. I wasn’t disappointed. Thoughts? Gat tip: Craig
Costa In Japan Meme
Never forget 01/08/2015: If you’re not caught up, you can watch the video here. LOL so amazing. Thoughts?
Air Compressor Powered BB Machine Gun
This thing is quick: 1:38 – “I probably should be wearing some safety glasses” <– famous last words. haha then *safety squints* flash-overlaid in the video. Just when I think the comments on gun related videos are bad, all I have to do is check out an airsoft related video like this one and my…