Tag: .410
Fanny Pack .410 Shotgun
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… “Nonesuch in the cut, that’s a scary sight”: 0:24 – Oh wow, hell froze over; he’s wearing eye and ear protection. Even some hand protection if you want to count to fox riding gloves. Did his mom insist? Does he have a new girlfriend who cares…
.410 Shotgun Arrow Tip Rounds
The gun store guys give it a try: Interesting. I wish everyone that did this type of thing had a high speed camera. They go off on a pretty big tangent about cut shells for a bit, but the DIY for the arrow rounds at 6:34 is worth watching to see what they did. Thoughts? Any of…
Shotgun Flashlight
The latest in mall cop defense: CSG AOW .410 companion mag-3 d cell light/ flashlight gun….. new release ….. a joint project from csg and asi —- a new updated version of the .410 mag type flashlight firearm……. these units have an all steel fire control, barrel and chamber assembly…. the fire control unit screws…