• Liquor Sponsor For Cannon Firing In Slow Motion

    The Slow Mo Guys do it:

    Captain Morgan supplied the alcohol and the cannon.  First Richard Ryan gets a liquor sponsor, now Slow Mo Guys?  ENDO seriously needs one.  I mentioned I was interested in LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy) sponsorship, and commenter derpmaster said:

    LVMH? I know that you are all into fashion and whatnot but I think you are setting your sights a little high. Given the readership of this site, I’m thinking more along the lines of Franzia/Keystone Lite/Luxco.

    HOW RUDE! :P  ahhahaha.

    Come-And-Take-ItThe drinks themselves getting smashed was a bit anticlimactic… seeing that cannon ball fly through the air was awesome though.

    Thoughts?  Do you consider these sponsored vids “selling out”?

  • NRA Protesters Are Cranky Old People With Nothing Better To Do

    A formidable enemy *eye roll*:

    Wow.  It’s really not even fair they have to grasp at straws and convince themselves to believe the craziest things.

    Derp1:55 – She doesn’t believe in having any type of ability to protect her own life.  “Only a law enforcement officer should be allowed to use weapons”.  Incredible.  At 3:45 she even states it again.

    Hopefully there is lots more footage of idiots like this taken at the upcoming NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN.

    Hat tip: Jesse

  • Tactical Tunes Has Writer’s Block

    Haven’t heard anything new from Tactical Tunes in a while. This is why:

    FXHummel1-ENDO-Defend-FreedomThe curse of the YouTube name change?  Just a lul in creativity?

    Damn I kept thinking he would rhyme writers block with “Glock” and turn it into a gun song.

    Tactical Tunes is wearing the M16 selector switch t-shirt from ENDO Apparel.

  • .22 LR Gravity Fired Out Of A Drinking Straw

    Demolition Ranch with some more redneck science:

    Ranch-DressingI see this being the new national pass time for bad news youth in the hood this summer. Lucky .22 LR is hard to get. ;)

    Like Ranch said, theoretically the bullet wouldn’t be traveling very fast at all since it’s not inside any sort of chamber or barrel. How about a Bic pen? That’s a lot stiffer the probably about the same diameter.


  • Fake Everytown For Gun Safety Facebook Promo Ads

    People were shitting a brick on the internet yesterday regarding these two pictures:



    Yea, really dumb for obvious reasons which I’m not even going to bother getting into.  After 2 seconds worth of research though, you can see that the facebook link at the bottom of Everytown.org actually links to this facebook page, not the everytownforgunsafety.org one.

    I’ll give them points for creative trolling.  Subtle enough they fooled a lot of people because the rest of the facebook page looked legit.

    Michael-BloombergIf you missed the talk about Bloomberg’s $50 Everytown For Gun Safety check the link.  That initial fake page was taken down as predicted.

    I also posted a great What if Guns And Cars Were Treated Alike comparison a while back you should check out.


  • For The Love Of Johnny Appleseed Hard Cider And Det Cord

    Richard Ryan blows up a det cord tree with gallons of red paint:

    The slow motion footage was on point as usual.  The Johnny Appleseed cider looked so delicious in that glass at the end of the video mmmmmmm.  I didn’t used to drink ciders at all, but they have really grown on me over the past year.

    Richard-Ryan-ENDO-Pistol-WhipENDO needs a liquor sponsor.  Hell, I’m going to just come right out and say that I think LVMH should sponsor me.
