• Safe-Draw External Trinket To Weigh Down The Glock Trigger

    If you want a heavier trigger, you no longer have to mess with the insides of the Glock:

    The product is called Safe-Draw, and it’s available for $7 on their website.

    Safe-draw-glock-trigger-weightIf it works, and people are looking for that type of thing then great!  Having extraneous stuff hanging on the outside of a weapon you’re betting your life on is rarely a good idea if you ask me.  For $7 you can’t really go wrong though if you just want to “try out” a few different weights before deciding on one and replacing the internals I’d say.


  • Mexican Police Motorcycle Stunting Hold My Cerveza And Watch This

    Look ma no hands:

    Mexican-Police-Motorcycle-StuntingStunt!  Stunt!  Stunt! Stunt!

    Funny thing is in Mexico these guys probably got a promotion when their supervisor saw this vid.


  • Melting A Glock Into A Smore Trollture Test

    Mattv2099 whips it in the kitchen:

    Mattv2099-Run-Guns-ENDO-ApparelLOL one of the better trollture videos from Matt in a while.  I thought that thing was dead for sure.  Impressive that it fired immediately (single shot only), but then was able to function semi-automatic after a few more shots.  That smore made me hungry too.

    The guy has a really impressive library of trollture vids now.  Resume worthy for sure.


  • QVC WAR Features The M240B

    Steal of a deal guys:

    MS-Clean-Magazine-Shaped-Cleaning-KitOnly 9,133 payments of $10.95.  DAMN THAT $10.99 SHIPPING COST! Arrrrrrgh.

  • What Color Is The Dress? Who Cares, Shoot A .50 BMG

    Since the truth keep triggaz traumatized:

    Muzzle blast took care of that dress real quick.  Too bad there weren’t explosives and fire involved :P

    Richard is on SnapChat too now I see.  I don’t have that, but after hearing the one Kanye verse in the song Blessings, it sounds like a good time ahaha.

    What-Color-Is-DressThe things that end up going viral on the internet really surprise me.  I never would have expected this stupid dress thing to.  If you’re just hearing about this now and you care about it at all, there is a video that explains the lighting and colors. It’s really not that interesting.

    Good to see Richard is back with a vid, even if it’s such a short one.


  • Lockheed Martin Laser Weapon Turns Up

    30kw laser weapon disabled a truck from more than a mile away in their recent tests:


    Full story on the Lockheed Martin website.  I wish there was a video up of that… I’m sure it probably just looks like a cutting torch taken to the hood, but it still would have been cool to put into perspective.  I did look up other videos of the ADAM laser on YouTube, and yea it looks like someone is using a cutting torch on the item.

    So now the question on everyone’s mind is, when are they going to use this to cut ISIS members in half from several miles away?  It if wasn’t stooping to their level, putting propaganda videos of that up on YouTube would definitely send a message.  Not like they would care anyway though.  Human lives (even members of their own group) are disposable to those guys.

    I’m sure currently this laser gun, like all of LM’s other high powered laser guns and coil guns take up a fair amount of space.  Can you imagine once effective man-stopper hand held laser weapons no bigger than the size of a current handgun are available to the general public?  It’s going to be crazy.  I can see it now too – “The founding fathers never wrote the 2nd Amendment to include laser guns… it was only for hunting”.
