• Katana And No Chill

    100 MPH fast ball cut in half:

    Isao Machii is the sword lord.  He holds a number of Guinness world records for sword related stunts.  There’s a slow motion shot at the end of the video (2:11).

    its-tape-katana-memeIt would be cool to see him do something bullet related… like hit a bullet in mid flight with a frying pan or something.  That’s probably above his skill level, and also way more dangerous.  100 MPH is only 147 ft/sec, whereas a 115 gr. 9mm bullet flies at around 1300 ft/sec (faster than the speed of sound – 1125 ft/sec).  With anything though I’m sure if even a beginner grabbed a katana and did this 100 times in a row, he/she would probably be able to slice the baseball at least once if they had the timing figured out judging by the whoosh sound.

    Remember this Katana unboxing?  Probably the greatest unboxing video ever made.


  • Bill Whittle’s Solution to Gun Control – Meh

    I liked the start where Bill was saying not to blame an inanimate object such as a gun (we’ve been through that a million times before).  He lost me with the “Blame the parents” part directly after that.  Sure parenting obviously has a massive impact on a person’s life, but being 33 years old and knowing some people who had various family situations growing up, I can tell you that some people just decide on their own to be terrible human beings…. the same way some people decide they are going to be an asset to society and a model human being.

    The “fatherless bitter boys” rhetoric seems like just as much of a reach as the “all of them owned violent video games” rhetoric the anti-gun crowd likes to always tack on to every tragedy. *shrug*

    I’m no expert, but If you ask me the bottom line across the board with these tragedies is mental illness.  All the amazing parenting in the world isn’t going to stop an idiot who is actually crazy, from doing whatever he/she wants to.  STEP 1: Stop making scumbags famous.  STEP 2: Figure out how to actually help people who are mentally ill.

    gun-control-worksAlthough there were some good points towards the end, Bill lost me on this one for the most part.  He has had some great videos in the past, and I hope he has some great videos in the future.


  • Miniture AK-47s

    GunWebsites as always with the cool stuff:

    Mini-AK47He sure has some interesting / rare stuff.  I don’t really know if I need or want a Mini AK, but I’m glad they exist.  After collecting a lot of things when I was young (hockey cards, baseball Cards, garbage pail kid cards, POGs, rocks, beach glass etc.. etc..) and never looking at them in like 20 years, I’m really “over” accumulating things that have no actual use and are probably a pain in the ass to even sell.  My parents basement and my old room can only hold so much.  Oh you all thought I still lived there? HA.  Well maybe I do, and my mom is washing the Cheeto dust Natty Ice blend out of my clothes right now?  How old do your parents have to be until it by default switches over to telling people “My parents live with me”, you know because you’re such a good guy and take care of them.  I’m asking for a friend. *shifty eyes*

    Anyway, If I ever get my hands on some mini AKs I’ll definitely put up a giveaway.


  • Drone Defender Gently Sets Nefarious Drones Down On The Ground


    I’ll warn you, this video is the opposite of exciting.  The “Drone Defender” looks like a run of the mill AR-15 style platform, with a hedge trimmer and picatinny rail mounded DSL modem.  WOULD NOT OPERATE WITH.  Ugh, like could they have even made it badass looking?

    Oooo I see at 1:27 they allow “custom form factors”.  If I ran an department that needed these I’d troll my guys so hard and just get them to custom make it way more embarrassing than the one in the video.

    I’d like to know how they manage those gentle landings as depicted in the video.  I could see a system used to block the RF communication all together, or jam it somehow… but in order to set a quadcopter down, isn’t it just like a helicopter where you decrease the rotor speed?  Hows the hedge trimmer and DSL modem accomplishing that with out knowing how to control every quadcopter commercially produced / homemade?

    Parrot-AR-Drone-QuadricopterIf Batalle Innovations didn’t look like a legit outfit (judging by their YouTube channel), I’d call shenanigans.  Looks like you can’t get one even if you had a use for it.  They still need FCC approval.  You can read more about it on their website.


  • Doody Hipsters Try Real Military Gear Out

    hahah these hipsters:

    hipster-phonster-phone-holsterResults are as expected, not a terrible video but also not great.  Still nothing beats their “trying guns for the first time” video when it comes to SMFH.

    I bet at least one of these guys pulled his iPhone out of his Phonster and called his COD friend to tell him about the hardcore TIER1 operator thing he just did.


  • AK-47 Defend Freedom T-Shirt



    The much anticipated AK-47 followup to the AR-15 Defend Freedom.

    Available now in both black and indigo at ENDO Apparel.