People Are Still Paying Sonny Puzikas For Advice

I find it incredible yet also unsurprising he still teaches classes:

“Violence Uncensored 3” it’s called, and it’s sold out apparently even.  Shooting someone negligently apparently doesn’t matter.  At this point I’d basically only be slightly surprised if George Zimmerman also started teaching self defense classes.  Why not right?  *smh* I probably shouldn’t give him any ideas.  That would give him another 15 minutes on the news and some new twitter content he is so desperate for.

Sonny-Puzikas-AK-Glock-Dual-WieldLOL Yoooooooooo 2:46 – It warms my heart that multiple attackers will actually wait for the other attacker to get taken out just like in the movies before taking their turn.  I also love the fluid motion slow cooperative takedown method too.
