Gun Business Is Good Business

The firearms industry generates roughly $32 billion in revenue every year, $10 billion more than the Ford Motor Company — and employs 98,000 people, five times more than Google Inc.

It’s kind of dumb to compare an industry to a company.  So what the entire industry employs only five times more people than Google?  So what the industry made more than Ford?  How does it compare to the tech and the automotive industries rather?

rich-monopoly-manYeeeeeeahhhhhhh 88 guns / 100 people!  

Quite neat how all their videos have those whiteboard drawings with narration.

Thoughts?  I’m thinking 88 guns / 100 people isn’t good enough… we need to push that up over 100 / 100 ;)


9 responses to “Gun Business Is Good Business”

  1. I agree with that industry statement, why not compare it to the auto industry as a whole? The tech industry as a whole?

  2. did you know that the entire gun industry is comprised of more than 5 times as many companies as one auto manufacturer? herpaderp. and that 88/100 prob is because the people that own a gun, own guns. Seriously, do you know anyone who owns just 1 gun? Its all or nothing.

  3. Yeah, they definitely skewed things to make it looks more dramatic. They also lump in ammo sales (which also went nuts the past few years) with the gun industry, but don’t take into account gas with the auto industry. Guns need ammo and cars need gas to function, right?

    They also didn’t take into account the large number of car imports into the US, but they did with guns. Hell, I’ve never owned an american made car, but I’ve owned American and foreign guns.

    But let’s just compare it all to Ford, so we can leave out high volume companies like Toyota and Honda and make guns look more overwhelming.

    While the stats were misleading, at least they weren’t “Feinstein level” misleading.

  4. Well if all gun owners bought a Mosin for themselves and their wife/husband/gf/bf/partner you could fix that statistic.

  5. Anti-gun math is always screwy math.

  6. This thing feels like the story of stuff part 2.

  7. When ever I hear that stat “there are more gun dealers than grocery stores” (usually as a negative) I know it is meant to me misleading. That number is taken from the total number of FFL’s the ATF has registered. Many of the “dealers” are not what most people think. Yes, there are many “kitchen table” dealers. But most people forget that most Wal-Mart Superstores are FFL’s. So are DICK’s sporting goods, and others. Speaking of Wal-Mart Superstores, those don’t count as grocery stores. Neither do Super-Targets, Coscos, Sam’s Club, or other big box retailers that sell groceries. They are classified differently.

  8. I agree that we need to look at the gun industry differently. I myself am a FFL and have a modest gun shop in Vermont. I am one of the few I feel that truly gets to do what they enjoy. The firearm business is a huge industry and typically a very responsible industry. I know from personal experience that I make sure that all perspective buyers are qualified to purchase and abide by the laws that govern this great country. When this administration talks about reducing, restricting, or removing our 2nd amendment rights it affects all of us. In many different facets, from economics, to pertection, jobs, and most importantly our American Rights. If you get a chance to visit Vermont stop by and say Hi or just swing by our website,

  9. It really isn’t 88 guns per 100 people. That statistic was calculated by dividing the (estimated) number of guns in the US and dividing by the population… not very representative since people can own more than one gun, which inflates the number. Actually, only 47% of surveyed Americans responded that they owned a firearm. We need to get more people into shooting to keep that number high.