Background Checks For Pressure Cookers

Mark Dice does what he does best and trolls hard:

Assault-Pressure-Cooker-JokeGod people are so dumb it’s frightening.  Like did you not even hear what the man was asking you to sign, and process it in your little brain? *smh*


Hat tip: Taylor


9 responses to “Background Checks For Pressure Cookers”

  1. Aaargo Jay Avatar
    Aaargo Jay

    But… If… Who… Why… Phuck it!! Speechless!!!

  2. hnl.flyboy Avatar

    I love how that chick starts cracking up and her hubby is dumbfounded. Glad they’re not stupid and had a sense of humor. My reaction, instead of laughter, would’ve been a death stare and a, “Are you fucking serious?”

  3. USSMunkfish Avatar

    Need you more proof that terrorists shouldn’t have pressure cookers?

  4. Saxon Avatar

    “No deep fried sand for you!”- Soup Nazi

  5. Church Avatar

    This guy kills it!! HAHA!! Most of the population embarrasses me.

  6. Squirreltactical Avatar

    Oceanslime, CA! Jesus, man.

    The last couple’s reaction was golden.

  7. Logan Avatar

    watching this physically hurts lol

  8. Poll: Nearly One Third Of Americans Would Accept ‘TSA Body Cavity Search’ in Order to Fly

    I already refuse to fly. So you want a hamburger cook to shove a gloved hand up your ass?