2013 Magazine Ban

Sturmgewehre takes a look:

The bill Democrats will introduce would limit magazines, belts, drums, feed strips and “similar device[s]” to 10 rounds of ammunition. It would allow people to hold on to the “large capacity ammunition feeding device[s]” that they currently own, but prohibit them from buying others or transferring the ones they have.

ClipMagazineLessonThe full story over at Huff Post.

Is it just my imagination, or are a lot of people actually now correctly calling magazines “magazines”… not “clips”?


7 responses to “2013 Magazine Ban”

  1. they are covering the bases and calling them magazine clips.

    for all its left leaning, huff post does at least like to get terminology right.

    1. My thought exactly. If they called them “assault clips” and passed such bill we’d all be like “derp de hurr, you folks are such morons cuz you banned clips (which are usually no more than ten rounds anyway).”

  2. How do you prohibit transfer? its not like the ones we have now are serialized

  3. Jeff,

    Shut up. They might read this blog, see you comment, and then the Serialized Magazine Retrofit Bill will be introduced.


  4. MosinMango Avatar

    If a firearm were designed to feed loose ammo by gravity, would your hand be considered a “similar device” ?

    1. just hold your gun upside down and have a hopper is what you are thinking? I like it! Someone try this and post on youtube.

  5. “Is it just my imagination, or are a lot of people actually now correctly calling magazines “magazines”… not “clips”?”

    Libs hate to be made to look stupid. They catch on after a bit. Stupid as they are.