Michelle Viscusi – Basically A Tactical Snooki

Comment of the week goes to “jodark” with this gem regarding new Team Glock member Michelle Viscusi:

She’s basically a Tactical Snookie. Her 15minutes will hopefully be over soon.

I’d much rather they do a piece on Gabby Franco. That lady was lovely, pleasent and could shoot.

I don’t normally do a comment of the week, but you guys say hilarious shit so often I may start.


24 responses to “Michelle Viscusi – Basically A Tactical Snooki”

  1. You’re doing “comment of the week” now? Time for Poppy to be as offensive, obnoxious and talkative as possible in order to win this honor!

    Can I have some retroactive awards while we’re at it? It’d really help my self esteem. May even give me the courage to finally talk to girls!

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      haha yea you have had some great ones in the past. So many of you guys make me bust a gut multiple times per day.

      1. Good enough for me.

        *Internet high-five*

  2. liquidflorian Avatar

    Isn’t that how Buck Yeager got his monicker?

    I don’t think she’s a tactical Snooki, she may be a AAA prospect being called up too soon to patch holes in a troubled line up. Either way I think it was a good move for Glock and for Michelle.

  3. JohDeert Avatar

    Lol your shops are too good. I almost didn’t think you changed anything until I looked up snookie.

  4. Jon Hutto Avatar

    Nikki Lane doesn’t just model guns, she uses them..

  5. “tactical snookie”…
    for some reason that sounds incredibly vulgar…V

  6. Look at it from Glocks point of view, everytime someone makes fun of this whole thing their name gets used again. Advertisement. They don’t care about winning, they care about selling.

    1. Let us know if you learn of anybody buying a GLOCK product due to Mike posting this stuff.

  7. I think it was a good move.

  8. Tactical snookie? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  9. I saw the similarities (very Italian looking, self-absorbed, hair) back while she was on Top Shot. I’ve said it a few other places, but it never got noticed.

    Anyway, thanks for the recognition.

  10. To compare Viscusi to Snooki is like comparing a chocolate bar to a dead cat. Snooki is a fat chilean diseased whore who is famous for being able to take a punch and keep on drinking. Viscusi, on the other hand, is fit, hot, and has at least been productive in her life by serving her country. All true patriots should agree!

    1. Wait, how has she served her country?

      1. well like most females in the military she did something mundane which freed up a guy to go do something dangerous. theres laundry to do and sammichs to make in the forces too.

        1. So she was a glorified maid then.

          1. An MP actually, which isnt such a safe job anymore.

      2. Shes in the National Gaurd, and she’s easy on the eyes. Snooki hasnt served, and brings ache to my eyes.

        1. And Rich Graham was a SEAL, what’s your point?

          1. Is Rich Graham good looking? If so, Glock should hire him to help sales to the female market

            1. Totally. If I was gay or a woman I would totally BANG Rich Graham.

  11. Travis Haley just dynamically shit himself.

  12. Snookie is a cock holster. And a loose one at that.

    The sad thing is that people actually watch her shit. It bugs the crap out of me. I can’t stand her short fat drunk diseased ass…now let me tell you how I really feel…lol

    Anyway, people like her will be on tv as long as morons keep watching her stupid show and talk about her.