School Children In Mexico Learn How To Dodge Bullets

Full Story – HERE

As unsettling as it is, this is probably not a bad thing to teach kids no matter where they live. That said, Mexico is so out of control.


3 responses to “School Children In Mexico Learn How To Dodge Bullets”

  1. Antibubba Avatar

    DUCK & COVER for a new generation.

  2. Totally agree… It’s nice to teach everyone this technique. I’ve heard of concealed carry holders teaching their own kids to immediately hit the ground when daddy or mommy yells that phrase, or when they hear gunshots. Teaching survival skills is always important.

  3. Could someone please explain to me, how is covering your head with your hands useful? Any projectile with enough energy left to cause serious head injury is going to have enough energy to also go through the hand… On the other hand, it unnecessarly raises the silhouette a bit.