Federal Premium Tactical HST Ammo Comparison

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  • A similar comparison with Winchester Ranger ammo – HERE

Safe to say that whether you pick Federal or Winchester the bad guy’s wound is going to be messy.


3 responses to “Federal Premium Tactical HST Ammo Comparison”

  1. Is it just me, or do some of those expansions look *identical*? I’m thinking #1 in the .45 GAP and ACP +P rows, and the 124gr 9mm and 9mm +P look like the same shape but rotated.

    I agree that these look spectacular, and in fact carry HST in .45 ACP +P. (The only place I’ve found it online is http://www.streichers.com, where it’s actually cheaper than most other JHP loads. If anyone knows of another source for non-LEO, I’d love to hear it.)

    But really, Art Dept?

    — John.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      haha yea you’re right.. some of those pictures are suspiciously similar.

  2. walt brinkman Avatar
    walt brinkman

    Why no 10 mm????????????????? Nice chart otherwise.