Threepers, piehitters, sheephitters, fudds. But they are all brothers (boRthers if you will) in the 2nd Amendment sense oh my:
0:03 – Ugh.. this Kaitlin girl. I’m not even going to explain why I don’t like her, because it only gives her power. I will say there are MILLIONS of women proudly supporting the 2nd Amendment every day of the week that don’t want or need the spotlight like this girl. She’s basically the pro-gun equivalent of that parkland kid with the sharky face (Kevin? David something? who even cares I’m already over it as I type this haha).
Guys I’m like 22 seconds in and there is A LOT to digest. I think I’ll just let you guys just watch it on your own, other than a few time stamps that absolutely blew my mind.
1:42 – ROFLOLOLOLOL this neckbeard actually has a TEC-9 on a rope around his neck. I’ve seen it all. “It’s a tec-9… it shoots 9mm. It’s a good lil gun… 32 round clip. Got an AK on one arm.. AR on the other.” This is by far the best part of the video. You’ll be disappointed if you’re looking for anything better.
5:36 – smh… Kaitlin again. Huge surprise.
6:44 – SMH someones mom in a bootleg “Keep Calm And Carry” shirt. I retired my original design for now which everyone and their underpaid hardworking Chinese Auntie who lives in Shenzhen with ripped off a few years back, but it was a classic. Triple OG ENDO heads definitely have a real one still in the rotation.
7:50 – My man. Getting flicked up for the gram. Nancy might hit 100 likes on that one if her grandsons push it to their stories.
8:28 – Over the windbreaker carry with the MardiGras bead necklace. Archibald out here flexin.
Thoughts? Oh and since were taking the ‘burgh and self care RIP MAC MILLER 😔:
A legend.
Gat tip: Scott