ahahah it’s amazing this exists:
I don’t know if you guys remember my first post on the TREAD, but I thought that initial “Blood Sweat and Motorcycles” video was peak cringe. This video is basically going off on a tangent, using themes from that video… but turning the cringe up past 11. I clicked through to the YouTube comments and thankfully at least a few others share my sentiment.
I feel for these people who made this video… you just know that HQ likely created a team with a bunch of randoms go-getters assembled from all over the company with one task: MAKE TREAD A LIFESTYLE BRAND. That’s why these videos end up being so cringy… it’s the culmination of a bunch of “life” activities and thoughts often not related directly to the gun but used as a tool in conjunction with the peppered in product shots to make gullible people who can’t think for themselves want to buy one even though they already have a house full of perfectly fine AR-15s (except they don’t say TREAD nor do they have the snake 🐍 on them).
Thoughts? . You fellas working-man-all-American-good-enough-free-enough for the tread? You gonna create a path with the tread for the next generation to follow?