AR-15 SlingStock Looks Like A Retractable Dog Leash On A Rifle

Oh wow, this promo video is definitely worth the price of admission:

I’ll take “Things that don’t need to exist” for $500 please Alex.  Below is from the description in the video:

WMD Guns is previewing our new patented SlingStock™ developed in conjunction with designPort and Tim Greenwood. Revolutionary new concept for incorporating a retractable 7 ft sling into the buttstock itself. Always Ready, Never a Burden©. Another innovative product from WMD Guns for the men and women who protect and serve. To be previewed at NTOA, NASGW and SHOT 2019 with production in 1Q 2019.

The takeaways there are:

  1. It’s pAteNtEd.  You put a retractable dog leash outside the realm of dogs, and it becomes a new patentable product.  Hey I don’t make the rules, the USPTO does.
  2. It’s a designPort x Tim Greenwood design (Yea I have no idea who either are).  I managed to rustle up a single care, and googled Tim Greenwood.  The first result was some bigshot California Minister.  I’m now making the assumption that he designed the product after being told by god it would save the tactical realm.  Seems crazy enough to work.  Oh nm, Tim Greenwood is the guy in the video… I had not connected my wireless headphones yet when he said that the first time I watched the video.
  3. 7ft sling length to encompass your massive flock protecting girth.  You absolute unit you.
  4.  “Always Ready, Never a Burden ©” Ooooo a copy write phrase that both describes the sheepdog and the product.  Powerful.
  5. Hmmmm this WMD Guns place (that I’ve never heard of) designed it for Law Enforcement apparently.  Like those guys don’t have enough to deal with.
  6. This product is so damn hot, they knew they needed to release this promo video now in September, just so the word would get out and things could cool off and there wouldn’t be a 4000 person lineup at their 2019 shot show booth.  Looking like a damn Yeezy shoe drop, except with an average BMI of 35+ and more Punisher t-shirts.

Tim is convincing enough in the video, I’ll give him that.  Maybe they will sell millions of these? I sure hope so.  I wish there was a “buy now” link I could send you guys so, but as with all next level products as I mentioned before It’s not available for purchase yet.

This was by far the highlight of the video:


Gat tip: Lord_Adamar