Every Three Hours A Kid Apparently Dies From Gun Violence

From the “States united to prevent gun violence”:

8 kids dying per day (according to the video) means there are 2920 kids per year which die of “gun violence”.  I attempted to fact check this and came up with a June 2017 article in a pediatrics journal.  Academic journals are normally peer reviewed / fact checked for accuracy so I don’t see why this one would be any different.  Here is what it says:

RESULTS: Nearly 1300 children die and 5790 are treated for gunshot wounds each year.

The shooter playing with a gun was the most common circumstance surrounding unintentional firearm deaths of both younger and older children.

Sorry you shitheads who made the video… 1300 is NOT 2920, and “the shooting playing with a gun” can’t be considered “gun violence” by any stretch of the imagination.  Another anti-gun group (the Brady Campaign) comes up with the number of 4 kids being murdered every day, which is a lot closer to the 1300 per year stat anyways.

I don’t see how embellishing facts or redefining gun violence could possibly help their cause in the long term.
