A movie about gun control and politics:
Wow that looks boring and embarrassing. It’s not doing TOO terrible on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, so I might watch it someday if any of you guys says it’s alright. I watched 13 hours tonight (finally), and enjoyed that.
From the director:
“We didn’t offer the script to the Brady Campaign, we didn’t offer the script to any Second Amendment groups,” director John Madden said when I asked if he had consulted with the NRA or other gun rights groups when making the film. “We didn’t want the film being adopted by one side or the other of the argument, because it isn’t a polemic. … I don’t think — the film is not political in its intent. It’s political in its milieu and it’s political in its, you know, the background of the story. But it’s more about political process to me.”
Full article on the Washington Post. In theaters now.
Thoughts? Any of you guys see this yet? Looks like another lame money grab because “guns are so hot right now”. The old throw shit at the wall and see what sticks approach seems to work decent for making money in Hollywood if you have lots of money.