Making A Derpy Thick Tactical Concealment Wall Shelf

These are so terrible looking:

Hold-This-LIf you want to spend the time, money, and energy building one then be my guest.  I know everyone has different taste and style when it comes to home decor, but I literally wouldn’t be caught dead with any type of shelf like this in my home.  Like I would actually be posthumously embarrassed if I died and my family was going through my stuff and they were like “LOL this piece of shit shelf tho!  LOL whose mans is this?” then someone would be like “Don’t you mean whose mans WAS this?” *everyone starts bawling*.  

There are a couple companies who make this type of bullshit if you’re not into the DIY thing.  I’m not linking them but you guys can in the comments…They sell even more embarrassing things like gigantic wall clocks and shitty looking lamps to hold guns.  Granted, the tactical concealment industry is probably lucrative…. but at what cost I ask… at what cost? ahhaha
