Wow… just wow. This is so amazing that we are blessed with such a video. Whenever I lose faith in the internet something like this happens and I’m like OHhhhhh YEA:
Lucien Black from VODA INC is just one of those guys who is so far off the rails, that you have no other choice than to feel sorry for him. I feel bad writing these blog posts now, because it’s evident there is a problem on a lot of levels with this guy. You can check out the few past posts I did on him here.
1:44 – Larry Vickers took two to the chest from Russians?
1:49 – Sonny Puzikas is his MF’ing man? LOL priceless.
2:45 – “I’ve actually turned away more people than I’ve trained”
Oh man I could actually talk about a timestamp every 5 seconds this is all so bizarre. I’ll just let you guys watch it.
Oh here’s one last gem I feel I need to type out:
“I work for the people. I’m a non-profit. Voda does what it does. You do what you do.” <– So he’s still saying he’s a non-profit organization
From a few of his other recent videos there was this statement in the description, which made me laugh and cringe simultaneously at the ridiculousness of it:
I am one of the BEST at what I do – My goal: BECOME THE GREATEST FIREARM TRAINING CONSULTANT OF ALL TIME. Let’s make another dream come true!
Besides the delusion of grandeur, at least the man has goals I guess. What’s the difference between the best and the greatest?
To summarize, VODA is just another one of those guys that when I blog about, I’m just hoping that I’m getting trolled and it’s actually just a really well executed parody.
Thoughts? If this guy isn’t playing a character, where does something such as this end up going when someone like this has such a chip on their shoulder?
Gat tip: Christian