Brady Campaign Grasping At Relevance

Under the guise of “safety” as always.  First up a peter pan flip:

Alice in Wonderland:

Afghanistan-Boys-Toy-GunsThere you have it.  Kids are stupid, and they will shoot themselves or someone else if you don’t keep your gun inside a safe.  This “ask your neighbor… is there a gun where they play?” thing is fine and all… but I still think the root of the problem should be addressed, which is educating the kids.  We tell kids not to drink poison, not to ride bikes without helmets, to look both ways before they cross the street etc… The smart ones generally listen.  Some die, most don’t.  I don’t know why it’s just out of the realm of comprehension to expect that the smart kids who are educated about what to do if they find a gun will also handle it accordingly and live a long life.

What’s the point of making the video look oldschool and using decades old themes like Alice and Pan?  Judging by the “Generation Lockdown” splash page they have set up, this is likey their weak attempt to relate to Millennials.  *Yawn*
