Rob Ski AK Operators Union Trapped Out

A video by rapper Robb Skee:

Prompted this photoshop by Mrgunsngear to put AK Operators Union Rob’s pic in the mix:


Yea yea yea I know a lot of you don’t like rap, but there are guns in this video so at least it’s related to the blog topic and your interests.

0:53 – DID THAT PISTOL JUST TOUCH HIS SHOULDER?! haha #NeverShoulderNeverForget

0:55 – Ruger wit da EXTENDO

1:00 – “If it’s more than 50 shots in the clip then it’s a K (AK)” – Not entirely true but he does have a drum mag on his particular AK pistol so I’ll let it slide.   Trigger discipline in the hood isn’t taken as seriously as I’d like it to be.  His buddy in the back with the AK pistol is about to ND as well.

1:01 – Trigger discipline on point here.  Maybe it only applies to rifles in the hood.  Someone chime in and let me know in the comments.

3:14 – MAC trigger discipline is stellar.


Gat tip: J