Protecting USMC Recruiting Centers In Questionable Ways

Dustin Ellermann (same dude that was on top shot) posts a couple questionable pics:



The full facebook post is here… Facebook (like YouTube) always has such a wide range of comments, ranging from intelligent to so dumb you wonder how the person was actually able to have their brain tell their fingers what keys to press on the keyboard to express their thoughts.  If you’re looking to kill some time, just scroll through and read a few to see what I mean haha.

As you can see, apparently sights are overrated for 2/3 of the guys anyway.  *smh*.  Also, that one guy has a slidefire stock!    Oh and you probably saw the Sig SB15 with the vert grip on the first guy wearing (What are thooooooooose) Crocs and the highlighter green shirt (great shoe choice and shirt color too for potential combat)… I’m assuming naturally he has the gun AOW’d, because I’m not one of those stamp snitches.  Someone brought up my Never Shoulder Never Forget shirt further down in the comments, and Dustin said he liked it haha.

Thoughts?  Better than nothing you say?  I say let the people who are trusted enough to carry guns in other countries to fight for our freedom, carry them on US soil to protect their (and our) lives.

Gat tip: Say Uncle