Roasting Gatorade With A Flame Thrower

Red White & Blue:

Gatorade-Talibade-Taliban-Jihad-Drink-Advertisement-1Quite anti-climactic.  How would one convert a harbor freight type pressure washer to a flame thrower?  I’m asking for a friend. *shifty eyes* haha.

Damn that’s gotta be hot.  I’m surprised he wasn’t complaining about the heat earlier on in the video.

Thoughts?  You liking this new flame thrower video trend everyone is riding?


3 responses to “Roasting Gatorade With A Flame Thrower”

  1. HashtagNot Avatar

    Fill them with gasoline next time and stand back!

  2. all cooked up they kinda look like alien face hugger eggs…;)

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      ahah yea they do!