This Defense Distributed ghost gun machine is savage:
According to the video, the units people paid for are shipping now. If you hit up the Ghost Gunner website you’ll see it’s back in “pre-order” mode where you can put a hold on a unit for $250. I’m not sure if the units are still going for $1200 as they were before, there is no clarification currently on the site and the FAQ is out of date.
When you hit the black screen it’s not the end of the video… there is a dramatic pause until 1:40 then some ominous footage of the ghost gunner HQ I’m assuming and…… wait for it…. wait for it….. a Mark Forged 3D Carbon fiber printer, which the owner of that particular company decided to be a douchebag and “ban” Defense Distributed Cody from purchasing one. I can’t wait to see what he does with that thing.
Thoughts? Any of you guys grab one of these Ghost Gun machines? I feel like $1200 is an acceptable enough price, especially if you went in on one with a few buddies. The worst part about all this though seems to be timing. I would have assumed the AR-15 lower market is so far past saturated as of even like a year or two ago. Who knows though, maybe not! If nothing else, this “machine” is definitely going to shake up some lawmakers.
20 responses to “Billet Aluminum Goes In Usable AR-15 Receiver Comes Out”
Looks like a magazine
Oh on the Mark Forged printer! Ya good call it does!
i love what Cody is doing and what he is standing up for. but i fear if he continues to push the envelope than law makers in Washington will pass laws that no longer allow home made firearms. i hope we are moving in the right direction here and not causing more problems. jmho
I wonder if the game though is just keep outsmarting them and pushing technology until making quality firearms yourself is so easy and widespread they basically can’t control it?
I wonder how well these things will hold up over time. Aluminum isn’t hard to machine, but this thing just looks small and weak. My experiences with consumer grade 3d printers has been that they work OK-ish for a while and then everything breaks or otherwise gets out of whack. I’m not saying that there is a direct correlation, but there is a stark divide between the MakerGears of the world and stuff like Stratasys. I would imagine the same applies to machine tools.
You do know that this is not a 3d printer, but a very small , and limited use router powered CNC machine, that mills out the lower right?
Of course. I’m just wondering how durable a 3D-printer sized milling machine is actually going to be.
prolly about the same as a nuclear-suitcase sized milling machine. or a large shoebox-sized milling machine. or a medium-dog-sized milling machine.
That’s not a bad price when you consider it’s supposed to actually be a full CNC milling machine that can make other things besides lower receivers. The cheapest other CNC mills I know of are over $2k/$2500. Even a CNC router table, which doesn’t have the Z-axis height to do one of these, is like $1500.
It’s supposed to have some smarts built in to help with aligning and registering the lower. I’m waiting for a review from some other hobbyists to see if they really hit the target with the design.
I got in on the first round and should have mine shortly. It’s set up and programmed to handle 80% lowers straight out of the box. But the cool thing is that it’s open source and there is already a forum set up for uploading files of user generated files. So for gun related stuff alone, I’m betting we will soon see 0% lowers and uppers, handgun frames, and pretty much anything else that can be made of aluminum and fit in the machine.
Cool make sure to let us know what you think about it!
They need a mass market anodizing kit.
Anodizing is actually extremely cheap to get done though, which makes doing it myself less appealing. In A SHTF type scenario though obviously having the capabilities at home would be cool.
Yup, hard anodizing is a bit harder to do at home, but basic surface color anodizing can be done easy peasy.
I see the use in that, but I dig the aluminum “in the white”
It doesn’t make receivers all it does is finish 80% lowers.
Not that it would really matter but doesnt the machining where it hogged out the trigger group area look pretty dam rough? Maybe prior to a “finish” pass possibly.
So is this a Cnc machine that will just mill the rest of a 80% lower or will it mill out the complete lower? Will it mill a upper?
What exactly are the offering for my 1250?
Just another attempt by the Bloompy group to make us all look like deranged maniacs bent on filming low quality indie horror flicks. Where is the blood? It’s not there there.
More interested in the Mark Forged machine…
Unfortunately the software is exclusively cloud based, assuming so the creators can control the content (?). Surely someone can circumvent it and provide it the digits for both the nylon and the carbon/kevlar/fiberglass filament layers.