0:38 – That gold P08. Someone is fancy.
1:00 – Someone educate me on why finding out if that the firearm in the burned out vehicle was so important, considering it happened overseas? Should I be assuming the overseas police have people in custody pending the results? Don’t fingerprints get burned off… how would they tie it to a particular person? Unless there’s registration there, they are the worst criminals ever and used their own gun (ha). So many unanswered questions.
One response to “FBI Gives A Peak Inside Their Quantico Vault”
It was a US diplomat that had been killed, therefore the FBI investigated it. Also, she said that they were able to reconstruct the gun to test fire it to match it to the bullet they retrieved from the diplomat. If they didn’t have the gun vault they may not have had the parts to do so. Seemed pretty straight forward to me…?