Beer And Black Powder In The Desert


Black-Powder-Black-PowerAs you can see the quality of the video is terrible.  It’s funny to hear their non-chalant reaction though.  Nothing like KB’ing guns and drinking beer in the desert.  #Merica


Gat tip: SayUncle


7 responses to “Beer And Black Powder In The Desert”

  1. That mullet was the best part….it was beautiful. Oh, and pointing a black powder revolver that just chain fired at everyone around, that was good too.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      Haha so good

  2. No black powder smoke there – using smokeless in a brass framed revolver maybe?

    1. Sure looks that way. It’s pretty tough to blow up with black powder. They probably bought it in the Cabela’s bargain cave, then grabbed whatever can of powder was handy–which happened to be Red Dot. What could go wrong?

      I keep thinking about getting a bp revolver kit but they’re bloody expensive to shoot and really maintenance intensive and I just can’t afford it on either count on top of USPSA and 3-gun competition.

    2. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      That’s my guess too!

    3. 277Volt Avatar

      My thought as well. I’m not well versed in the newer BP substitutes out there but unless there’s one that doesn’t smoke I’d say the guy was using some sort of smokeless.

  3. That’s what happens when you get drunk, and shoot a black powder revolver with James Yeager.