Mexican Police Motorcycle Stunting Hold My Cerveza And Watch This

Look ma no hands:

Mexican-Police-Motorcycle-StuntingStunt!  Stunt!  Stunt! Stunt!

Funny thing is in Mexico these guys probably got a promotion when their supervisor saw this vid.



6 responses to “Mexican Police Motorcycle Stunting Hold My Cerveza And Watch This”

  1. Only on mexico..

  2. Well, it could be stupid and a misuse of equipment. But I’m not his boss, or a resident of the community he serves and he pulled it off. Given just the video I can only assume the concerned parties are OK with it and he somehow knew what he was doing, so I have to say at face value it’s impressive.

  3. Chuck Finley Avatar
    Chuck Finley

    how about secure the border?

    1. Stuart Anderson Avatar
      Stuart Anderson

      Exactly. Give Americans jobs, not Vatos Madres who came across illegally. Emigrants equal death of America.

  4. umop_3pisdn Avatar

    lol looked like fun. dudes harrumphing these vatos are probably the same guys at work you cant tell dirty jokes around.
    if you had to deal with the level of insane corruption, gang violence, abductions, murders etc im sure you’d stunt your bike on an empty road once or twice too bro.

    but seriously tho, im holding my applause for the front wheelies

  5. jim bob Avatar

    i just saw this done by jason statham in crank. if the Mexicans are taking training ideas from statham films, does this mean they will soon be openly banging amy smart in chinatown?

    if so, Cabo cops here i come.