Just Assembling A Field Stripped Glock With A Gas Mask On


Instructor-Zero*smh* Zero is priceless, what a character.  I actually thought he would be better at that than he was.  He fumbled through it big time.

At 0:13 we see a closeup of the G19 slide showing his “ripped ass hole” logo.  Which as I mentioned before, it’s what he does to operations… tears them a new one.

Thoughts?  Were you as disappointed as I am that his oxygen supply wasn’t cut off with a plastic bag?  Not to mention he didn’t say anything, so I couldn’t even turn the CC’s on and LOL my ass off.


12 responses to “Just Assembling A Field Stripped Glock With A Gas Mask On”

  1. Anybody can do all of that with his right hand. You’re not fully operational until you can do it with your left hand, in the dark, under water.

    1. KestrelBike Avatar

      underneath the hull of a chinese nuclear submarine

      1. derpmaster Avatar

        while being attacked by a very ornery octopus

  2. Sheepdog6 Avatar

    You’re nothing until you have field stripped an AR while diapering a very active two year old doing his best impression of an angry octopus.

    And then not totally putting two through the shirt sleeve of cardboard guy number two while cradling a seven month old in your chin.

    That’s operating!

  3. Maybe this was the first take, as opposed to practicing it… which is what I want to see more of. What was with his super shaky hand though?

  4. I was disappointed when I didn’t see “A Field Stripped Glock With A Gas Mask On” like the headline implied

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      Ahhh shows how much I know. Was that not a “gas” mask? If not, what is it for?

      1. Yeah, but the Glock wasn’t wearing it;-)

        1. ENDO-Mike Avatar


  5. Holy shit! After reading that, I went and watched like 10 of his videos with CC on…. The lulz are better oxygen deprivation than his dry cleaner bag.

  6. Whew! It’s a good thing that Glocks NEVER malfunction or this drill might actually be necessary!

    Sorry, gotta take what opportunities I can to nudge Glock fangirls.

  7. Glock fanboys will say “The Glock can be re-assembled one handed with a gas mask on.” And real shooters will say “You’re dead 5 second in so it doesn’t matter.”