Rambo Day – Most Epic Bachelor Party Ever

Holy this is cool:

Rambo-DaySome guys paying tribute to their friend for his bachelor party… making him his favorite action hero for a day; Rambo, and putting him through some epic related situations.

Simply amazing… even down to the filming.  You could tell Dana (Rambo) was absolutely blown away.

I know it’s 22 minutes long, but it’s definitely worth watching.


5 responses to “Rambo Day – Most Epic Bachelor Party Ever”

  1. very cool…;)

  2. Man, just awesome. Those are some good friends right there.

  3. Greatest. Friends. Ever.

  4. very jealous.

  5. Sooooooo jealous!!!
    What kind of guy can this dude be, that his friends make such efforts for him?? Is he a kind of saint or something, or is he just badass as hell?
    Anyway I can’t wait for his wedding video, this is gonna be epic…