Dean Cain Talks Shit About Anti-Gun Michael Moore

I didn’t know Dean Cain was buddies with Chris Kyle:

Steven-Crowder-SmirkI hope Michael Moore does let his bravado get the best of him, and says it to Dean Cain’s face.  I bet Dean would flip… especially if he was sauced up.

I used to watch Dean’s Superman show… it was pretty legit.  Yea like a soap opera, but what series isn’t?


6 responses to “Dean Cain Talks Shit About Anti-Gun Michael Moore”

  1. “Jabba The Moore” was great! Yeah, i could see if Dean Cain was in his pops, slapping that mumbling idiot from Flint.

  2. tony the tiger Avatar
    tony the tiger

    I would imagine they became friends while on the show “Stars earn Stripes” where they were paired as teammates. the show itself wasn’t all that bad if you like propaganda.

    1. elephantrider Avatar

      Yeah, that’s where the Dean Cain man-love for C. Kyle started. I remember watching the first episode and Cain practically had a boner when he got paired up with Kyle. Kyle looked uncomfortable when Cain was gushing all over what “hero” he was. I’m guessing the producers of ‘Stars Earn Stripes’ were working overtime digitally removing the pants bulge Cain must have had during the whole show. Gaaawd, that ‘Stars Earn Stripes’ was hard to look at. I barely made it through the first episode, and didn’t bother with any more after that.

  3. Wait!? What!? Steven Crowder was the brain on Arthur!!!! Truly we are living in a magical age.

  4. in a fight, my money is on the guy who shoplifted brooke shields’ virginity.

  5. I meet Dean Cain in Iraq in 2005. He is a very solid dude.