2nd Amendment Liberal Edition

Steven Crowder hits the nail on the head with this one:

Steven-Crowder-SmirkAHAHHAHA yea… perfect.   The part about “stay at home moms” commenting on it killed me.

Totally for hunting. :) :P



14 responses to “2nd Amendment Liberal Edition”

  1. Drapetomanius Avatar

    It’s redundant to call it the “liberal” version, as Jefferson really was definitively a classical liberal. I think Crowder means Progressive. If you think that’s pedantic, you are probably willfully ignorant.

    If you don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, but aren’t willfully ignorant, this will help:


    1. You’re two for two.

      1. Drapetomanius Avatar

        Oh what a brain fart. Yes, Madison. Both classical liberals. That’s what I get for bouncing around between too many tabs, and not paying full attention.

    2. Don’t you mean Madison?

      1. Drapetomanius Avatar

        Yes. I shouldn’t try to multi-task. Ever.

    3. GameChanger Avatar

      Unfortunately for us, your mom thought birth control was redundant…

      1. Drapetomanius Avatar

        My point stands. The Constitution is already the “liberal” version.

        1. GameChanger Avatar

          Considering the video was made recently, it is titled Liberal Edition in reference to today’s Liberal as seen by the various examples listed and stereotyped in the video. After witnessing those stereotyped in the video identify themselves as Liberals, the title remains accurate. Clearly the modern day Liberals don’t have the same viewpoint as Liberals of the constitutional era. Our Founding Fathers were seen as terrorists, however we now associate the word terrorist with those of Islamic beliefs who choose to wage jihad and terrorize non-muslims. My point still stands, you’re mom should of swallowed.

          1. *your

      2. Lol damn that went 0-100 fast.
        If you mean (@Drapetomanius) that they were liberals because back then “conservative” meant that supporting monarchy and all was cool, then yeah they were. Of course, now, we say they’re conservative because, uh, they are, since the definition changed.

        1. Drapetomanius Avatar

          They were conservative in the sense that they were trying to continue in the English common law tradition, but liberal in the sense that they advocated individual rights and limited government. What they weren’t was hoplophobic soccer moms trying to fill the emptiness of their lives with a wrong-headed political cause.

    4. mountain Avatar

      Hey, look, someone else who gets it.

      The individual ownership of weapons is a liberal concept. The conservative policy is to deny the lower classes weapons. If you don’t believe it; turn off the editorialized, propaganda, sensationalistic TV station and read a political sciences book.

      The misuse of words doesn’t change the original meaning. Orwell wrote on this very topic.

  2. Jim Jones Avatar

    I’m glad to know other of my fellow libertarians enjoy getting their lolz from ENDOMike and guns. The enlightenment period was a good thing for mankind. Don’t let the collectivists ruin it for all of us.

  3. Bwahahahaha… I love how he kinda slipped in there “being necessary to the security of a free State” in relation to hunting and made it flow so well. Because you know, deer are a threat to a free state. That was awesome, and so many many more videos for me to watch now.