Gun Control Bingo


From Firearms Policy Coalition.  Awesome stuff… it would be a short game if you’re watching mainstream media.

Hat tip: Eric


7 responses to “Gun Control Bingo”

  1. Just “Piers Morgan” is too easy. It should be changed to ‘while watching Piers Morgan he says “Utterly” or “I’m sorry, but” ‘

  2. They originally they made it as a drinking game, but after three staffers were sent to the hospital testing the game, it was decided to change it to something not involving alcohol.

  3. You forgot “for the children”

    1. jim bob Avatar


  4. Awesome!

  5. John Fritz Avatar
    John Fritz

    Is this a drinking game? Whoa Jake! You’d get shit-faced fast.

  6. Piers Morgan might be a little out dated. If this was Scrabble you should get extra points if that name came up; super rare now.