Guns Are Bad No Matter What Apparently

First people didn’t like bad people with guns… now they just don’t like guns period:

Damn people really need to raise their comfort level, or move to Afghanistan or something.  Pretty funny how cops are being lumped into the mix and people are uncomfortable with them having guns around too.  I really hope the cops in all those cases were like “Oh you don’t like the fact I SERVE AND PROTECT YOU AND YOUR KIDS?… COOL STORY BRO, respect my authority.”

cartman-copInteresting how in St. Louis that guy said Law Enforcement was offered free food, and even 50% off the entire bill if they brought their families in.

Ridiculous.  Thoughts?


18 responses to “Guns Are Bad No Matter What Apparently”

  1. derpmaster Avatar

    $180 for a blacked out ‘murican flag? I support your business Mike, and although I’m sure someone will buy it, $180 is a lot of money. Why is it so expensive?

    1. TheBear Avatar

      Same question

      1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

        I wish I could sell them at a price point everyone could afford. With the price of US labor, sewing 100 5 pointed stars and 13 stripes together takes a LONG time, hence the high price.

    2. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      I wish I could sell them at a price point everyone could afford. With the price of US labor, sewing 100 5 pointed stars and 13 stripes together takes a LONG time, hence the high price.

    3. dgdimick Avatar

      They are made in America, so you need to pay 50% to 75% more; a fair labor price. Same with Katanica trousers, they run $200ish a pair, but they are made in America.

      I just have to budget a bit harder to buy them.

  2. Jim Jones Avatar
    Jim Jones

    Damn Mike, that flag is niiiiiiiiiice.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      Thank you Jim.

  3. People are going full retard and we’ll soon have the same gun-culture as Australia which is what Bloomberg and Obama are going for. They know they can’t legislate guns away directly so they’re making guns more and more icky by destroying the remaining positive gun culture in this country so next time they take a survey of legislators…they’ll have the votes. Then a few years down the line when our Olympic athletes are in a country with guns and they take some casual pictures of guns in a foreign gun shop, our people will crucify that athlete just like Australia did their swimmer for posing in a US gun shop.

    The best way to fight anti-gunners is by improving GUN culture..take non-shooters shooting so they see guns aren’t icky. You don’t share your love of guns and the 2A, you lose it. Forget the NRA and posting on gun-safe sites like this, get out and do something real to preserve your rights. Its that simple.

    1. That Creepy Guy Avatar
      That Creepy Guy


  4. Oh yeah, Mike, you need shirt sizes for us rotund gentleman. 3x bro.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      I’ve had 3XL for about 8 months now! They are the shirts with the blue “Now in 3XL – 5XL” tags on the main page of the site.

  5. achmed Avatar

    good video, incredible we need it. Much of this is like “Well we need oxygen, water is wet so wear a f**king raincoat.” There are a lot of really dumb people out there.

  6. jim bob Avatar

    a 180 dollar flag? the only person with that kind of loot is Colon Noir.

    what is the price if you get little Chinese kids to sew it?

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      hahah nice. I never looked into the Chinese option, but it would be much cheaper I’m guessing. I’m really against outsourcing to other countries when it can be done awesome here. If they couldn’t make Amazing flags here then it would have been something I would have looked into.

      1. So, it’s for indoor display only? No grommets? Also, are the stripes grey and black alternating or all black?

        1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

          Hey Ryan! The stripes are all black. I’m sure you could fly it outside, but 1) Someone will probably steal it, and 2) The stars are zig-zag sewn on for look, so they COULD rip off in a strong wind. I didn’t do grommets because on my one sample I thought it detracted from the overall look.

  7. Tom in Wisconsin Avatar
    Tom in Wisconsin

    Every time I return to The USA I find more and more examples that make me question why I risk my life to defend the shit-bags that want to throw my country away.

    1. dgdimick Avatar

      This is one of the few reasons I didn’t re-up.

      As far as getting “free” lunch, or a discount, there are many companies out there that understand the voluntary hardships service members and LEO endure for them.

      Not to “sell” Lowes, however, they do give a 10% discount for Vets and LEO – this is on top of any other discounts.