Dianne Feinstein California Kydex Holster

Shitty, just like its namesake:


Approved by CA and NY DOJ for CCW. It is extremely impractical, unnecessarily large and would leave the wearer unable to access their firearm.

L.A.G. Tactical‘s got jokes.  Funny in a sad because it’s true type of way.



2 responses to “Dianne Feinstein California Kydex Holster”

  1. nope she would never approve it

    in her world it should be made of 1/2 inch armor plate (the finest!!) on each side triple welded SHUT!!!

  2. Capt. Glenn Avatar
    Capt. Glenn

    I think that is their intent, to leave the wearer unable to access their firearm. Since an outright ban on handguns is a difficult and slippery path, this is just a step in the process which eventually leads to that end.